JCI Newsletter for September

Fyldig og god lesning. Dette er noe å kose seg med. Newsletter_September_2024
Bli medlem av det Europeiske Senat

Dilli & José as you are in the mood to join I suggest you register as members of the ASE at It will give the Portuguese group there a significant boost!! We of course would also welcome any other senators who have not registered yet. Senators not living in Europe are also welcome to register […]
Siste nytt fra det Britiske Senat

Les hele nyhetsbrevet her British Senate_aug
Følg Internasjonalt nyhetsbrev

Som mange ganger tidligere har vi oppfordret alle Norske Senatorer å følge nyhetsbrev fra det Britiske Senat. Det kommer ut regelmessig og vi henter aktuelt stoff derfra i ny og ne. Vi har jo laget en egen spalte på framsiden her også. Du kan med en enkel e-post til database@britishsenate.org.uk eller aller best fylle ut […]
Internasjonalt møte på ZOOM

European Digital Chat Zoom Meeting People’s Lives:Dean Dunbar Wednesday 27th March 2024 – 6.00pm GMT / 7.00pm CET Dear Senators Don’t forget to make a date in your diary for our next guest speaker in our monthly Digital Chat series on the ASE Zoom. Wednesday 27th March at 6.00pm GMT and 7.00pm CET. Our guest […]
ASE & AMESA Senators’ Mediterranean Summit

The ASE and AMESA (Africa and the Middle-East Senate Association) share the similar concerns and have been working together since February 2021. Senators from the 15 JCI countries around the Mediterranean have collaborated on themes of common interest – business, NOM assistance, exchange of JCI and entrepreneurial best practices, possible joint projects etc. This led to a virtual […]
EC in Finland – Oulu

Come and experience the magical midnight sun and the wonderful program we have prepared for you fellow senators! The senator program includes for example the traditional Senator lunch, the Finnish sauna experience and interesting excursions. The full Senator program is here. The program starts already on Tuesday with the Senator golf tournament. For all delegates there’s […]
JCI Club 100 – Refreshed and Revamped!

JCI Club 100 – Refreshed and Revamped! Re-introducing JCI Club 100! Are you passionate about JCI, its mission, and its vision? JCI Club 100 provides an opportunity for JCI members to invest through their companies to support the development of young leaders while expanding their business to a global level. Together, we strive to create […]