ASE & AMESA Senators’ Mediterranean Summit

The ASE and AMESA (Africa and the Middle-East Senate Association) share the similar concerns and have been working together since February 2021. Senators from the 15 JCI countries around the Mediterranean have collaborated on themes of common interest – business, NOM assistance, exchange of JCI and entrepreneurial best practices, possible joint projects etc.

This led to a virtual summit on 5 June 2021 – see ASE-AMESA Report on 2021 Mediterranean Summit and then to the first physical summit hosted in Istanbul from 19 – 22 January 2023 by the JCI Türkiye Senate.

The third SMS will be held in Tunis from the 22 – 25th February 2024.
> Thursday 22 February > Arrival day

  • Welcome & Check-in of delegates at HQ hotel
  • 20:00 > Dinner (not included in the registration fee)

> Friday 23 February > Business & Touristic day

  • 09:00-12:00 > Visit to a Tunisian Industry of Glass, the leader in Africa, the way to the site shows plenty of ruins and historical sites : Views on the way
  • 12:30-14:00 > Local lunch in the region of Djebe El Ouest
  • 14:00-17:00 > Touristic Visit to Carthage
  • 17:00-18:00 > Visit to Sidi Bou Said
  • 19:00-21:00 > Welcome dinner
  • 21:00-23:00 > Cultural night with food from each country, brought by the delegates.
  • 23:00-24 :00 > Music & Traditional Tunisian dance performance by the ASE and AMESA boards assisted by a professional artist.

> Saturday 24 February > Business day

  • 10:00-11:00 > Keynote speaker conference around the theme of the Summit “Tunisia, the crossroad between Africa and the Mediterranean region” with Dr Hakim Ben Hamouda, Former Minister of Economy and Finance of Tunisia, International Expert and Officer: OMC CEA , Former advisor of ADB. He received the price of Alan Powell for his contribution to the development of Internatiinal commerce and economy.
  • 11:00-12:00 > Discussion with the participants.
  • 12:00-13:00 > Lunch at the Hotel
  • 13:30-15:30 > “Reynold R. Dumalte’s Joint board meeting AMESA/ASE
  • 16:00-17:30 > “Shadi Izmiqna’s Training”  by Filipe Carrera & Fares Ben Souilah > Let’s Be Phygital! Backstage Tips & Tricks for Amazing Communication
  • 17:30-18:00 > Speed networking with members of JCI Tunisia and Senators
  • 18:00-19:00 > BumbleBee session or free time
  • 19:00-20:00 > Senate bar
  • 20:00-23:00 > Concert of the Carthage Symphony Orchestra

> Sunday 25 February > Farewell day

  • 07-00… > Farewell breakfast at the hotel
  • 09 :00-12 :00… > Sightseeing Walk in Tunis Medina

The Friday & Saturday programme including two lunches and two dinners is 215 € per person.
> Registration link & Registration QR Code







The ASE will be collecting registrations for European Senators and they should register with Thomas Meier ( who will provide the bank details. Senators from Africa and the Middle East should register with  Haifa Ben Abdallah (

> Please contact Haifa Ben Abdallah  for any specific question.

Venue hotel > Campanile El MechtelPlease book the hotel direct or via your preferred accommodation app for the package that suits you.

  • Single room  > 75 € per person by night
  • Double room > 45 € per person per room
  • Breakfast included

In the fraternal spirit of our two associations, this meeting is open to Senators from all countries.